Analyzing Policies

analyze-iam-policy: Reads a policy from a JSON file, expands the wildcards (like s3:List* if necessary, and audits them to see if certain IAM actions are permitted.


Let’s say you are a developer that handles creation of IAM policies.

  • An internal customer asks you to create an IAM policy.
  • You haven’t been tasked with auditing IAM policies yourself, as that’s not your area of expertise, and until this point there is no automation to do it for you.
  • However, you want to make sure that the customers aren’t asking for permissions that they don’t need, since we need to have some guardrails in place to prevent unnecessary exposure of attack surfaces.
  • This is made more difficult by the fact that sometimes, the customer will give you IAM policies that include * in the actions. Not only do you want to restrict actions to the specific ARNs, but you want to know what actions they actually need!

You can solve this with policy_sentry too, by auditing for IAM actions in a given policy. Tell them to supply the policy to you in JSON format, and feed it into the analyze_iam_policy command, as shown below.


Usage: policy_sentry analyze-iam-policy [OPTIONS]

  Analyze IAM Actions given a JSON policy file

  --from-audit-file TEXT          The file containing AWS actions to audit. Default path is $HOME/.policy_sentry/audit/permissions-access-level.txt.
  --from-access-level [read|write|list|tagging|permissions-management]
                                  Show CRUD levels. Acceptable values are read, write, list, tagging, permissions-management
  --policy TEXT                   Supply the requester's IAM policy as a JSON file. Accepts relative path.  [required]
  --help                          Show this message and exit.


  • Build the database:
policy_sentry initialize

Audit for custom list of actions

  • You can specify your own audit file.
policy_sentry analyze-iam-policy --from-audit-file ~/.policy_sentry/audit/privilege-escalation.txt --policy examples/analyze/wildcards.json
  • policy_sentry comes bundled with two different audit files, which are located in the ~/.policy_sentry/audit directory.
    1. privilege-escalation.txt: This is based off of Rhino Security Labs research
    2. resource-exposure.txt: This is a list of all “Permissions management” actions from the policy_sentry database.

We plan on supporting more pre-bundled audit files in the future

Audit a policy file for permissions with specific access levels

  • Command:
policy_sentry analyze-iam-policy --from-access-level permissions-management --policy examples/analyze/wildcards.json
  • Output:
Evaluating: examples/analyze/wildcards.json
Access level: permissions-management
[   'ecr:setrepositorypolicy',

Audit entire folders

  • policy_sentry will detect folders vs. files automatically. Just run the command as usual:
policy_sentry analyze-iam-policy --from-access-level permissions-management --policy /Users/username/.policy_sentry/policy-analysis/0123456789012/aws-managed
Evaluating policy files in /Users/username/.policy_sentry/policy-analysis/0123456789012/aws-managed

Policy: AmazonSageMakerFullAccess.json
[   'ec2:createnetworkinterfacepermission',

Policy: AmazonEC2RoleforDataPipelineRole.json
[   's3:putobjectacl',

Policy: AWSDataPipelineRole.json
[   'elasticmapreduce:putblockpublicaccessconfiguration',

Policy: AWSSupportServiceRolePolicy.json
['iam:deleterole', 'lightsail:getinstanceaccessdetails']